That might be my sharpest double-edged sword.
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If I could rap, my name would be Flow Pesci.
About me
One day, and that day may never come, I’ll figure out how to write a proper bio.
I’ve always been fascinated by the ways that people communicate. It’s often said that art is a form of expression, which to me means that if you’re taking the initiative to share a thought, you should want people to understand it.
I have a belief that when you get to know someone, you can often find that you probably share at least 60% common ground with them. If you treat people with sincerity, not only when you disagree but especially when you disagree, you might gain some perspective from understanding why they see life from another vantage point. We may not always see eye-to-eye, but at the end of the day and with enough mutual respect, we might realize that we’re actually more alike than not. That’s my 60% rule.
Growing up, I was lucky to have the opportunity to begin studying music theory in elementary school. By high school, I was playing in a couple different bands. Trombone in classical band, baritone in the marching band, and guitar in… well, let’s just say that none of my crappy garage bands ever really panned out. In hind sight, it just wasn’t the right approach for me despite my best efforts.
I began making beats for fun back in the early 2000’s. I was surprised that it seemed like a much more fitting outlet for me than what I had been working on up to that point. In due time, I’ll be glad to share some thoughts on the Soundclick days for those who may be interested.
Beyond that, I’d say that it’s safe to assume both you and I would rather I focus on getting new music released. I appreciate the tremendous amount of support that helped get me here and I hope you guys feel that the best is yet to come.
We’ll have plenty of time to chat along the way.
I’ve never been as good at drawing as I’d like to be, but I was pleasantly surprised by how this self-portrait came out. I think its minimalist design on a chalkboard canvas effectively shows that I’m right-handed.